It is our desire that individuals have access to resources, needed to improve their mental health and their lives, regardless of their background or income level. To this goal, all of the resource provided or linked below are offered free of charge, and can be accessed on different platforms. Please make sure to note which platform they can be found on, listed in the description, as an additional app or software may be needed.
Vagus Nerve Meditation
This meditation is provided via the app Insight Timer. This meditation focuses on the connection to the central nervous system, and through stimulation of it, the aim is to promote relaxing, and calm, as well as release of anxiety.
Self Energy IFS Meditation
This meditation is provided via the app Insight Timer. Within IFS one of the core concept is the desire to increase self energy within an individual. When we feel this, we are better able to work with our parts, and experience a more integrated life, as well as more fulfilling relationships.
Trauma Sensative Meditation
This meditation is provided via the app Insight Timer. Often meditation is talked about as the key to our well-being, especially in the 21st century. However, those with a trauma background may find meditation deeply challenging but still seek the benefits that can be found in meditation. This meditation is designed for those seekers.